04: ALIEN LEGION, Pt. 2 (Epic, 1983)
Epic Comics’ ALIEN LEGION, Issue 6
Chris & Steve continue the embedded report with ALIEN LEGION’s Nomad Squadron — in part two of our massive dive into this space opera.
Listen to the full episode:
Part of Chris Warner’s run as penciler
(Below) Chris Warner’s capstone issue.
00:08 - Issue 6 - “Operation Nerve Center” - The character of the alien soldier, Dirge, and his all too human battle with an addiction to a performance-enhancing drug.
01:53 - The use of thought balloons as an essential window into the deepest vulnerabilities of our traumatized cosmic battalion. “Soldiers in this insane crucible of battle.”
08:01 - “Impostor Syndrome” in ALIEN LEGION -- the neurotic, inadequate, deeply insecure messes who are our main players, along with the increasingly expansive cast of characters in this world.
12:50 - Sarigar usually keeps a lid on his id -- but sometimes, a motherfucker’s gotta use his big-ass lizard/reptile tail to beat some ass.
14:51 - Issue 7 - Whilce Portacio (!) inked this issue of Alien Legion.
15:37 - Issues 8 - 11 - The Chris Warner (BLACK CROSS, THE AMERICAN, DARK HORSE) issues -- rock-solid work inbetween the more idiosyncratic runs of Cirocco and Stroman.
16:59 - The rise of the grimmest and grittiest of all the Legionaires -- Jugger Grimrod -- in the era of Wolverine, Punisher -- a space-faring badass or a representation of the angst of the young white male, presaging the social impotence of school shooters? Hot take! We discuss!
24:08 - Issue 12: “Hollow Harvest!” - The arrival of the great Larry Stroman brings a distinctly new visual flair to the book and some awesomely stylized hair.
48:25 - Issue 13 - “Moonlilies for Cora Cora” = an homage to the classic sci fi short story, “Flowers For Algernon”
56:31 - Issue 14 - “Reprise” - the devastating next chapter.
1:20:53 - Issue 15 - “The Official Death of Jugger Grimrod” - The title says it all.
1:33:22 - More discussion of thought balloons in comics.
1:35:42 - Issue 16 - “Demons!” - Intro of Tamara, the first woman legionaire.
2:04:04 - Travis Charest & Larry Stroman both drawing DARKSTARS for DC! Discussion of Charest’s work -- Wildcats w/ Alan Moore and Metabarons.
2:06:23 - You can tell every genre of story as a war story.
2:07:51 - ALIEN LEGION as the ultimate, hyper-compressed metaphor for life. ”We’re all in the ALIEN LEGION.”
Note: All images are copyright of Carl Potts and/or Epic Comics
(Below) Larry Strohman’s groundbreaking run on ALIEN LEGION started with the “Disaster Signal” back-up story. He then graduated to doing covers and interior art.